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ACT and Snowy Mountains

The ACT & Snowy Mountains Branch brings together wild deer enthusiasts from Canberra and the surrounding NSW regions. Our bi-monthly meetings, held on the third Thursday at the Harmonie German Club, feature expert presentations and opp…


Adelaide Branch meetings commence at 7.30 pm, first Monday of every alternate month, i.e. January, March, May, July, September, November. (If Monday is a public holiday then the meeting is held on the second Monday).


Brisbane Branch general meeting is normally held at 292 Mount Petrie Rd, Belmont QLD 4153 on the 1st Friday of Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, & Oct. The December meeting is the branch Christmas party, consisting of an afternoon shotgun shoot, din…

Central Victoria

The Central Vic branch, based in Bendigo, offers a welcoming community, regular meetings with guest speakers, and six annual hunting camps with mentoring opportunities for new hunters.

Central West NSW

Central West has a small core of keen hunters who hunt locally, interstate and also overseas (New Zealand). We hold meetings monthly from February through to November at Paddy's Hotel, 234 Gilmour Street, Kelso (Bathurst) NSW. Members …

Darling Downs QLD

The Darling Downs branch is based out of Toowoomba Qld and services a core group of enthusiastic members who like to get out to hunt and fish. We host a number of hunts a year including self-guided with a hunters camp, mentored hunts, …

East Gippsland

East Gippsland ADA branch is in the heart of Sambar and Hog Deer country. We have four meetings a year for our members to come and share stories with fellow hunters and see presentations related to wild deer pursuit. We are a very fami…


The Geelong Branch meets on the 3rd Thursday of every second month. We meet at the Field & Game Wetland Centre, 605 Lake Road Connewarre at 6:30pm. New members and visitors welcome.


In pursuit of the key objective of the Association, the improvement of the status of deer in Australia, we strive for appropriate management of all free roaming deer populations in Australia. To promote the safe, responsible and ethica…

Gympie/Mary Valley

The Gympie / Mary Valley Branch holds regular meetings, including the Deer Rifle Calibre Shooting Championship in December, with camping and dinner available for members.

Hunter Valley

The Hunter Valley Branch of the ADA contains around 200 members and we meet every two months on the second Wednesday of every second month (first meeting of the year in February). With many active hunters we support new hunters and hav…

Logan & Albert

In pursuit of the key objective of the Association, the improvement of the status of deer in Australia, we strive for appropriate management of all free roaming deer populations in Australia. To promote the safe, responsible and ethica…


The Melbourne Branch, the largest and first of the ADA, offers bi-monthly meetings with guest speakers, raffles, a branch shop, and family-friendly activities, including annual hunts and education sessions.

Murray Valley VIC

In pursuit of the key objective of the Association, the improvement of the status of deer in Australia, we strive for appropriate management of all free roaming deer populations in Australia. To promote the safe, responsible and ethica…

New England

In pursuit of the key objective of the Association, the improvement of the status of deer in Australia, we strive for appropriate management of all free roaming deer populations in Australia. To promote the safe, responsible and ethica…

North West Tasmania

The Northwest branch traditionally has been located at Blythe Heads, but due to the hall presently being unavailable we are currently based at the Gawler Hall, 16 Top Gawler Road, Gawler 7315. Three social evenings a year are planned f…

Northern Tasmania

The Northern branch is based at Longford in the Northern Midlands. Branch meetings are open to all hunters and are held bimonthly in our own room at the Longford Show Grounds. With a wide range of guest speakers and topics to keep all …

Northern and Yorke SA

Formed in 2019, the Northern & Yorke Branch (SA) is active in the Clare Valley, Mid North and Eyre Peninsular of South Australia. The branch hosts the ADA National Hunting Camp, held 3 or 4 times a year at Shelley in NW Victoria; the c…

Pumicestone QLD

In pursuit of the key objective of the Association, the improvement of the status of deer in Australia, we strive for appropriate management of all free roaming deer populations in Australia. To promote the safe, responsible and ethica…


The Riverina Branch, based in Wagga Wagga, NSW, hosts bi-monthly meetings and regular branch hunts, with event details available in our latest newsletter.

Sapphire Coast

In pursuit of the key objective of the Association, the improvement of the status of deer in Australia, we strive for appropriate management of all free roaming deer populations in Australia. To promote the safe, responsible and ethica…

South East SA

South East SA Branch members enjoy access to a branch-managed hunting program on ADA-owned land and several other premier hunting properties in the region.

Southern Tasmania

The Southern Tasmania Branch holds regular meetings and an annual Christmas party with a barbecue, Achievement Awards, and door prize draws.


The Sydney Branch meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Emu Plains Sporting & Recreation Club, offering informative discussions, great company, and quality raffle prizes.

Upper Goulburn

Upper Goulburn meetings are held at the Alexandra Golf Club, Gordon Street, Alexandra, on the third Tuesday in April, June, October, and December. A BBQ dinner starts at 6:30 pm, followed by the meeting. All are welcome.

Western Australia

The Western Australia Branch promotes responsible deer hunting and management in WA through education, social events, and community engagement.

Western Victoria

ADA Western Victoria Sub Branch is a small group of approximately 40 members of avid deer hunters of all ages.


The Westernport Branch, based in Pearcedale, is a vibrant community of over 600 hunters, offering regular meetings with expert speakers, the latest hunting innovations, and annual branch hunts to connect and explore the outdoors.