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NSW Hunter Education Course

NSW Hunter Education Course

Join us for the NSW Hunter Education Course 2024

The NSW Hunter Education Course follows similar content as the VIC course, with a ‘NSW flavour’. Attendees will leave the course with a solid understanding of deer hunting in Australia and NSW specifically.

Run by a team of volunteers from the ADA Sydney Branch, we want to pass on what we know to help others on their journey with deer hunting. Volunteers have a variety of experience and all bring different perspectives and expertise to share. Hosted at the fantastic Cataract Activity Centre (Appin NSW).

We will cover a broad range of topics including:

  1. An intro to Australia’s deer species
  2. Firearm and bow safety – and the correct ones for deer hunting
  3. Animal welfare
  4. How to find deer
  5. Field dressing, caping and butchery
  6. Deer management and the future of deer hunting in Australia
  7. And more.

Sessions will be a variety of presentations, demonstrations, and time outdoors, with plenty of time for discussion and questions.

Watch video below for highlights from our 2023 course.

Is the NSW Hunter Education Course for me?
When is the course?
What is included in the weekend?
What NOT to bring
Keen to come along or have more questions?