Impacts and management of feral horses in the Australian Alps
On 9 February 2023, the Senate referred the impacts and management of feral horses in the Australian Alps for inquiry and report by 9 June 2023.
Federal Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek has already supported the enquiry and stated that she wants feral horses removed from Kosciuszko National Park.
Minister Plibersek stated, "I love horses but they don't belong in Kosciuszko National Park," and then went on to say "Feral horses … are damaging fragile alpine and sub-alpine ecosystems and important plant and animal species, such as the iconic corroboree frog."
Whilst the inquiry’s primary focus will be on the horses, there is scope for the inquiry to look at other introduced hard-hooved invasive species.
There is no doubt that wild deer will be dragged into this inquiry, albeit on the peripheral. However, it provides an example of the operating environment we advocate in.
The Association will also produce a submission into this inquiry and continue to advocate for the sound management of wild deer.
The full terms of refernces are:
To inquire into the impacts and management of feral horses in the Australian Alps, with particular reference to:
a) identifying best practice approaches to reduce the populations of feral horses in the Australian Alps and their impact on:
i. biodiversity, including threatened and endangered species and ecological communities listed under Commonwealth, state or territory law,
ii. the ecological health of the Australian Alps national parks and reserves,
iii. Indigenous cultural heritage, and
iv. the headwaters of the Murray, Murrumbidgee, Snowy and Cotter Rivers, including their hydrology, water holding capacity, water quality, habitat integrity and species diversity;
b) Commonwealth powers and responsibilities, including:
i. the protection of matters of national environmental significance under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, including listed threatened species and communities and the National Heritage listed Australian Alps national parks and reserves,
ii. obligations under international treaties, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity, and
iii. the commitment to prevent new extinctions under the threatened species action plan;
c) the adequacy of state and territory laws, policies, programs and funding for control of feral horses and other hard-hoofed invasive species in the Australian Alps, and their interaction with Commonwealth laws and responsibilities;
d) measures required to repair and restore native habitats for species impacted by feral horses and other hard-hoofed invasive species in the Australian Alps, including for iconic species like the corroboree frog and the platypus; and
e) any other related matters.
The closing date for submissions is 11 April 2023.