Perfect opportunity to sight in the new riffle, check the zero on your current one or just spend some quality time on the trigger and the new training range at SSAA Eagle Park Facility at Little River. Range cost for the day is $40 per person, payable in advance.
Before heading down to the range, please familiarise yourself with the below range rules:
Ear protection is mandatory on all SSAA Victorian ranges.
Eye protection is mandatory for all juniors (under 18) and recommended for all persons using a firearm.
High visibility vests must be worn when placing targets beyond 100m on main ranges one and two.
Closed-toe shoes must be worn on the firing line.
Excessively open-neck tops are not permitted on the firing line (including singlets).
The minimum age for shooters is 12 years old.
Juniors (aged 12 to 17) require adult supervision to shoot and a consent form must be completed at the range by a parent/guardian.
No prohibited person is allowed to use the range facilities for shooting.
Vests, eye and ear protection are available for sale at the Eagle Park Range office.