Animal Care & Protection Bill (VIC)


Public feedback regarding the draft bill slated to replace the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 (POCTA) closed on March 25th.

This is the latest step in replacing POCTA, which began with the release of a directions paper in October 2020.

Since then, the Australian Deer Association (ADA) and other major hunting organisations in Victoria have worked together to produce several documents and advocacy pieces to help guide the design of new legislation.

This has successfully ensured that recreational activities, such as hunting, continue to be enabled via this act, although with a slight change in terminology from an "exemption" to an "exception."

The most recent submission is the third piece on this issue that the hunting organisations have collaborated on.

Any new legislation is still some years away, but the ADA will continue to work diligently with the government to ensure no unforeseen consequences from legislative changes.