About us

About Us

We are a smaller branch (about 250 adult members) which we think makes us a friendly branch. 

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President - Ern Addington


Secretary - Richard Chan



Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Nov. 

Longlea Reserve, Longlea Lane (of McIvor Highway)

What we offer

At least six camps per year 

- hunting camps (including Wonnangatta)

- a family camp 

- plus a fishing camp (cod opening)

Six social meetings

- including end of year awards night and a Christmas party

New hunter education and mentoring

- our experienced hunters are happy to help new deer hunters

Guest speakers and demonstrations

- like our carcass breakdown demonstrations

Regular newsletters

- with camp reviews and hunting tips

BBQs, drinks, raffles and prizes

- each attendance at meetings and camps puts you in a draw for attendance prizes

Annual range day in February