Correcting blatant misinformation about wild deer management

The Australian Deer Association (ADA) has taken to the airwaves today to, once again, correct what appears to be a campaign of deliberate misinformation about wild deer management being prosecuted by the Invasive Species Council (ISC). 

Despite the official sounding name, the ISC is, in fact, a small, ideologically driven non government organisation with an opaque funding source. 

Rather than advocating for practical, evidence based management to address environmental issues, the ISC seems focussed on dismantling the conditions which enable public land access for recreational hunters. 

The Australian Deer Association also corrected the public record in the wake of misinformation from the ISC in a Victorian Parliamentary inquiry last week as we seem to be forced to do with monotonous regularity. We would much prefer to spend our time discussing practical deer management and working with the environment movement on areas of common interest. 

CLICK HERE to hear ADA's Executive Officer interviewed on ABC Goulburn Murray this morning. 

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